He’s in control

It is very frustrating when you are constantly put in situations that you can not control. You do everything you believe is right and say what you feel but no matter what happens, nothing changes. I have been going through some tough times in the last week. Working to make sure that my voice is heard and my decisions are respected. I tend to ask God why he is taking me through such rough situations and I realized that he does so Because our enemies can not swim. Even the people who have betrayed you are apart of His plan. He would not have allowed it unless he had a purpose. Anyone who is meant to be in your life will be there, and those who are not will leave. Do not let those who leave affect you. Instead of just going through these things with your head down, grow through them and learn from these experiences in life. They may be hard but they can help you grow as a person. The only way God can show us He’s in control is to put us in situations we can not control. God has a purpose for all of your pain and a reason for your struggles. But in the end, he has a gift for your faithfulness. Sometimes it looks like your situation is never going to change but immediately God can completely resolve it. The storm will clear up, the sun will shine and you will be okay. He is magical. His powers are strong and he knows what you can handle. Believe in Him and his tough situations. There is always a lesson to be learned. Sometimes God does not change the situation at hand because he is trying to change your heart. God’s got this. When you feel unloved, insecure or unimportant, remember who you belong to. You belong to Him. You are his child. He loves you and your insecurities. You are incredibly important to him. He knows who belongs in your life and who does not. Trust Him and let go. It may be scary at first but it will be wonderous in the end. The next time God pushes you to the edge, know that two things can happen. He will catch you when you fall or He will teach you to fly.

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